We are the balm of Gilead

Balm of Gilead is said to be from a shrub that has a sweet and clean smell. It is an ointment that reduces inflation, soothes skin, aids in eliminating pain, speeds healing, and detoxifies. It is a healing component.   It is a medium-sized deciduous tree that grows 70 feet tall. Its leaves are dark green egg-shaped. It is a member of the cottonwood family. The seeds of the Balm of Gilead ripen in early summer and are attached to a cotton-like substance.

Doesn’t the Balm of Gilead have all the properties of our Lord Jesus? Yes, he is all of the things that our spirit man needs and wants. He is the rejuvenator, the restorer, the refresher, the reviver, the mender, the rehabilitator, the repairer, and the soother.

For lack of a better word, we humans want change and want to voice our opinions. We want others to bring forth change and do what is right according to the word of God. Hello! As you may know and see, we are not living in a perfect world. Why are we waiting for someone else to bring the change? Have we not been given the commission to go into the world and spread the word of God? Are we not the salt of this world? We talk about it, but really, are we about it? This is serious family! We are too comfortable not to rock the boat.   So we should not have the right to ask someone else to do the work. 

There are many people, children, seasoned people, circumstances, situations, mental illness, property, loneliness, depression, emotional and physical handicaps, and rejection. They will go to therapists, medications, and a spiritual guide to help them channel their chakra. I am not even putting the therapists down because some truly are gifted and have the tools from God to bring forth some order in a person’s psyche.   The true healer is the Lord through the Holy Spirit. Again, we have all the formulas in life that we would ever need in the word of God, but no one wants to put in the work. I agree it is a lot of work, but it is worth it at the end of the day. You do not want to go back to what you were. You want to become that butterfly that goes through the metamorphosis, aka trials, so you can emerge as the most beautiful thing God has created.

This nation truly needs healing and rejuvenation; I believe in a healing transformation. The only person who can bring freedom to the abovementioned issues is our Lord and Savior, Jesus, the true Balm of Gilead.

We are the Balm of Gilead for the world. How can I be the Balm of Gilead for the whole world? Well, thank you for asking. You can be the Balm of Gilead for one person at a time. God will not give you what you can’t handle. Your prayers on behalf of others will bring heaven down to earth; your prayer is the soothing property that becomes the Balm of Gilead to heal people and situations. He has already arranged your assignment and given you the tools of heaven to be the Balm of Gilead to whomever you encounter. We have many opportunities daily to bring healing to the bones of individuals with health and mental problems. We have been commissioned to heal the brokenhearted.   As we plant the seed, God will water it according to his word. That family is the balm of Gilead. Yes, the Balm of Gilead is an ointment, but it is much more. How we treat people becomes that wonderful balm of Gilead that a person needs. The gentleness of one human being towards another human being is the Balm of Gilead that can change the perspective of a person’s mind, bringing healing to the heart. So if the mind is clear and healthy in its thinking, the chain reaction from that will bring forth the mending of the spirit, soul, and body by restoring the Balm of Gilead being shown and spoken over people and situations. It is to set the captives free.

The Balm of Gilead will come in different ways. For example, a smile, a complement, a prayer, encouragement, guidance, rejoicing and lifting people up when they are at their lowest point. Our tongues will bring soothing to the body and soul by simply speaking the word of God that will be the active component to heal, soothe, rejuvenate, revitalize, and strengthen, deliverance, sound mindedness sober-mindedness, and alertness to the lowly of hearts.

Jeremiah 8:22 says, is there no Balm in Gilead? Yes, there is; our Lord Jesus is the Balm of Gilead. He is our spiritual ointment and will always be whatever we need him to be because he can. He is all God, all by himself. He is the great I AM.

Do you know the power that you possess? Do you know that we are as our Father in Heaven is? As he is, so are we. We are to emulate our Father just as Jesus emulates the Father. We have the same relationship with the Father. He has given us the ointment, the Balm of Gilead, to truly bring healing in the lives of others because they are lost, and no one cares to help them. 

 John 5:19 Jesus told us that he can do only what he sees his Father doing; whatever the Father does, the Son also does.   We are the extension of our heavenly Father here on earth. We need to be about our Father’s business. Our Father cares about others. It is about people, and it will always be about the human race he created in his image and likeness so he can fellowship with them. Unfortunately, the human race does not remember that they were sent from heaven unto earth for a time to subdue the land and to be fruitful. So within that time, they have to find themselves back to God. The love of God will continually come to mankind to nudge and bring healing or an answer to a prayer to help you remember your Father in heaven and begin so that you will take your rightful place of the duty and assignment that God placed in you before sending you to earth. As the balm of Gilead, we can bring them back to God again by the soothing ointment of our love, kindness, and grace towards others and speaking life into their spirit and soul. We have to lead by example. Yes, we fall short, and that is without a doubt. However, God can and will still use us as the Balm of Gilead.

We are walking, talking, and performing the balm of the Gilead generation. 

We are it!!!!!

God created us for such a time as this. Pick up your mantel and walk Gods word out in the flesh so that the balm of Gilead is being oozed out of your spirit, soul, and body so the people around you, weather in the street, store, movie, mall, or at work, they are being healed, and the vale from their eyes are being pulled away. Remember, you were bought at a very precious price. Be about the assignment, and don’t waver. God paid the ultimate price for all of us. He alone is worthy to be praised.

2 thoughts on “We are the balm of Gilead”

  1. I love the whole depiction of the balm of Gilead and relating that to Jesus!! It’s so true we are to be a representation of Jesus to people we meet on a daily and it can come in many forms as we allow the holy spirit lead us, so thank you for this reminder and for sharing this sis ❤️☺️🙌🏾

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