When we go through adolescence, we truly believe that we’re unstoppable.  We are a force to be reckoned with.  We can overcome everything.  We believe that we are able to become anything that we set our hearts and minds to.  We will accomplish what we said we will do, we will have the house with the picket fence, and we will have the sports car and the money. However, some of us do accomplish those goals, there are those who don’t even scratch the surface in doing what they set out to achieve.   I guess you can say that this batch did not peak nor did they tap into what they were called to do by the leading of the Holy Spirit, YET.

We all have specific gifts that God installed in our DNA. We go to school to get the education and the degrees to bring us closer to our dreams and endeavors.  We make plans and map them out.  We even make an accomplishment board with dates that we set for ourselves.  What does the word of God say?  But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added on to you.  Matthew 6:33

After we graduate, the world as we know it has also moved forward with the help of time.  Here you are with a degree that is supposed to bless you to get the job, position, and prestige that you so desired.  Lo and behold, there are detours of life that turn unexpectedly to derail you from your focus.  Now all you see before you are the residue of school bills and no job.   No security, home, or consistency as well as being established.  Everything seems out of reach.  Everything is far and out of sight.  We are ready to let the devil have his way with us.  We have pity parties and everything becomes negative.  We look at others and we see how they have moved forward with the desires of their hearts, so why are our desires delayed? We know that God is not a respecter of persons. so what formula did we miss?  

Know that our Father has equipped us to be successful, to be the head and not the tail.  He has called us to be lenders and not borrowers.  He has called us to possess the land flowing with milk and honey.  He has ordained us to be fruitful and multiply.  He has called us to subdue the land and overflow.  God’s ways are neither our ways nor his thoughts like our thoughts according to the word of God.  God’s word tells us to trust him by faith and not by sight. This is a season of waiting and preparing for the establishment of your hands.  Remember, Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.  The only way God moves is by Faith not by our feelings.  Hear me when I say, we really need to get this Faith thing.  This is the key. 

Those who serve God and have been serving God feel as though it is not enough to reach the goal. We ask the question of why is it that those who don’t even want to serve you Lord nor want to have anything to do with you, end up in places that they don’t deserve or they didn’t even put in the time and effort in.  They don’t have to worry about security and the establishment of their future.  I get it, we all have been there or are going through that as we stand.   It is easy for us to go there, but wake up and don’t let yourself fall deep into the rabbit hole.  Look how far you have come and build on that.  Hope deferred will make the heart sick.  Proverbs 13:12.  Now may the God of Hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.  Romans 15:13. You need to stand on the word of God fully and completely not part time and partially.  You have been given the tools from heaven above to withstand through storms of your life no matter what it looks like even if it looks like all is falling apart.  Release it to God and let him know that Father it is in your hands that I commit all of my issues, problems, unmet needs, loneliness, sadness, depression, hurt, and destroyed in the midst of separation, no job, no means to take care of your household, and no confidence.  Ask Him to guide you and let him move the emotions and circumstances of your lives, however he pleases.  Trust the ride in the midst of all of that and see what he is going to show you.  We are all going through it in a different manner and season.  You are not alone in this season of process.  Where does your help come from?  Man, I don’t think so.  No one gets the recognition but God.   The word of God says that I will lift up my eyes to the hills from whence comes my help.  My help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth.  He will not allow your foot to be moved, he who keeps you will not slumber.  Psalm 121:1-3.

onGod said, don’t be weary while doing well. Galatians 6:9.

God also said that the sinner’s wealth is stored up for the righteous. Proverbs 13:22.

Some of you learn quickly what the Lord shows you and tells you what to do because you have spent time with him and you have learned to rest.  There are those who have gone through any and everything and they have spent time with the Lord and they still are missing the formula.  It is not so much as they miss the mark, it is that they have not given the authority to God to do the transplant that they need to get over the hump so they can be in the fullness of their calling.  It is never too late family.  We need to totally commit and surrender our ways today, so we can be trusted to be placed in heavenly places that will bring forth fruit in the right season.  For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a future and hope. Jeremiah 29:11.

Could it be because when we are praying that we do not truly believe what we are praying for?  Could it be that we keep making the same mistake that God is and has been trying to show us through different circumstances?  Why are we so thick-headed that we know what needs to be done and yet still think we can get away with it and not reap the consequences.  How about not trusting God to know that he is truly working in the backdrops on our behalf?  He wants to purify us so that we don’t miss out on what is for us to unlock.  This is called the Grace of God that keeps us in places that we don’t want to be in.  Please understand that I am not saying that if you are being abused or anything that is putting your life at risk or your children’s life at risk that God has you there so you can learn your shortcomings.  That would be at your discretion to make a wise move.  I am speaking about your life. workplace, being around people, and in certain circles. He will keep you there to show you who you really are and what needs to be transformed before he can move you to your next and now.  He wants us to learn the things that no one took the time to truly help us to fine-tune and overcome.  This family is called growing pains.   We want to grow, but we don’t want to extend towards growth so we can achieve all that God has for us.   God is a God of order and grace.  Can you establish yourself?  If you have, how did that work for you?  That family is a recipe for disaster and a temporary triumph.  The word of God says, commit your works to the Lord and your thoughts will be established.  Proverbs 16:3.

This is a time of reflection family.  In everything God wants us not only to be a blessing and to bring transformation in the space that we are in, but he also wants to teach us about us and what we need to work on before he shows us to the stage of glory to glory to glory.

Our upbringing and disappointments play a big part in our lives.  Everything starts in the home.  All the negative things and the positive things stay with us.  We have the power to rebuke and destroy all generational curses in the name of Jesus. We still have some of that mom-and-pop ticks, it is inevitable for us to bring it to perfection.  The medicine for that is, we need to practice self-control and reflect on who we want to be and become so that we can walk the walk of faith and trust that God will finish what he started.  His promises are yes and amen. It is finished. He is not a man that he should lie, nor a son of man that he should repent.

Yes, we all have our days, moments, and seasons, but don’t you dare let your heart get sick.  the word of God says hope differed makes the heart sick. You should fight head-on spiritually and cast those thoughts in the name of Jesus.   Jesus did not die in vain for us.  He bore Alllllllllllllll of our sins.  We will not go down like that.  It is not an option.   This is war in the spiritual realm.  He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion on the day of Jesus Christ.  Philippians 1:6.

God tells us that all things work together for our good.  What does it all mean? That one day some things, or sometimes, maybe never, something will just fall into place?  NO, it means from beginning to end, from A to Z from your past, present, and future.  Even if we mess up and yes, we will make mistakes, even that will work for our good. Good or bad always works for our good because Jesus loves us unconditionally.  Through it all, we will always be schooled by God and transformed by God through his Grace.  Don’t you dare give up on yourselves because God never gives up on you.
We need to seek the Lord on a daily basis to show us what we need to change so that we can be a better version of who we are to become.  What area of your life do you need to fix, forgive, denounce, rebuke, fight, and or give up for the sake of our Lord Jesus?  He did it for you so why shouldn’t you do it for him? As God is, so are we. 

Your calling was made for you and only you can accomplish it. You can’t pass it to someone else nor sell it like Esau did with his birthright. You were chosen from the foundation of the world with the tools, talent, and know-how already built within you by the hands of God. It will accomplish what it set out to do through you according to the word of God.

Late Charles Stanly, who is my favorite pastor, teacher, and apologetics genius passed away on April 2023 at age 90.  He would always say, to believe God and leave all the circumstances to him.

The word of God, tells us that a righteous man knows when to be silent, but a foolish man speaks his entire mind. Proverbs 29:11.

You are close, don’t give in or give up. God has you in the palm of his hands.  He created you in his image and likeness.  He has you and he will bring you through.

Chose this day to be led by the Holy Spirit.  In everything that you do, give God thanks.  Involve him in everything.  Talk with him about everything and most of all pray about everything. It is all about timing, seasons, and the process of growth, preparation, and positioning. Let God be the driver, not you. You are not in control of everything, you can only do your part, which is hearing God, leaning on him, praying, and trusting him with all your heart.

This is the year of Kairos. This is the year of Jubilee.  This means this is the year for your time, place, and celebration.

Don’t you know that all creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed.  Romans 8:19.                    

Take your rightful position and calling. Today is the day.

Believe for it Cece Winans & Tauren Wells


  1. Hey Sis, an excellent read and timely reminder of the only source to whom we should be beholden…
    I’m going to put my faith in He who keeps all His promises about the goodness and prosperity that He has planned for my life…

    1. Amen. I am thankful to God that whoever reads or even comes through my blog gets blessed In Jesus name. Please pass it on to whomever you believe that would need this word as well as vistiting the blogs for the previous ones. I will post every 2 weeks.

      1. This exhortation moves in fast forward to encourage people because of who God is and what He can do. Do we really know Him as Daniel did and not give in to the world around us? We need to know He’s going to work it out for us no matter how things feel.
        Faith is the “above all” of our armor. And it works by love.
        Thanks Anita for encouraging words!

        1. Amen. Thank you for blessing me by visiting my blog. I know it is from God. Please let others know to go to my blog. I will put new blogs every 2 week.

  2. Thank you for your obedience, Sis! You are a blessing, and your gift allows others to prosper. God bless your sweet soul!🙏🏾♥️🥰

    1. Awwww. Thank you my beautiful sister. You word truly confirm that this is a God thing not an Anita thing. In Jesus name. May he be bless through my blog that he placed in my spirit to create. 🙂

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