Prescription for Faith

When we are faced with uncertainty and unexpected turn of events in our lives, we try to save face and show others that we have a perfect walk of Faith.  Are we truly solid in our Faith? 

Let me explain.  We talk very confidently about faith and we tell people we have faith and nothing can move or shake us.  We stand boldly and ask God for his will to come to pass in our lives. Let’s back up, so do we really have faith all figured out?  Do we really have the faith that we nonchalantly throw around like it was a walk in the park?

Tell me, so when we are tested, do you truly walk by faith and not by sight? 2 Corinthians 5:7

Where is our faith????????????????????????

Honestly, we all are tested no matter what our background is, but our God has so much grace over us that he

knows that the process of life and walking by faith and not by sight, we will be challenged in so many ways and our faith will be put to the upmost testing process.

When the word of God tells us, whatever things you ask when you pray believe that you receive them, and; you will receive it and it will be yours.  Do we really understand what God is telling us? We are so loose with our words and think that we are so on point with the word of God that we know that we are fully trusting God in what we have asked of him.

Are you ready?  Our petitions, needs, and desires that are being uttered from our spirit and through the passage of our mouth into the throne of our God.  When you ask these things from God, you have to believe within the depth of your being as if you are watching yourself going to the store and getting your prayer from every shelf, because you are seeing yourself taking it.  That is the way that you need to believe by faith not by sight that your heavenly Father will bring it to pass if you don’t try.

We can hear the word Faith and be energized, but when it comes down to walking by faith, that becomes a whole different ball game in our lives.  The word of God tells us that Faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God.  Romans 10:17

Faith is a powerful word. We can move mountains by faith according to the word of God. So can we move a mountain?   Of course, we can’t move a mountain, but if we only believe the mountains that are symbolic to your situations, circumstances, life, relationships, challenges, sickness difficulty at your job, we can move it by faith to go according to the will of God, so that we are not going by flesh and feeling, but we are believing that God will move and rearrange all of those things that come against us even if we are standing in the path of our own agenda.

It can be that you are still not seeing your faith be manifested in your destiny, your finances, your future spouse, your endeavors, getting a house, and your purpose. Okay, so then what?  Oh, so faith didn’t work for you, but it blessed someone else? You’re just going to give up when you’re just beginning your path of where God is purposing for you to be and to go through so will be that strong powerful son or daughter of faith.

The devil is a liar and you will not give him any room to think that he has been invited to invade your space. God placed his purpose in you from the foundation of the world in your mother’s womb, and you better not give it away that easy to the deceiver of your soul. 

Do you remember when we were kids; we saw the world through innocent perception?  It helped us to have a vivid or even a broad imagination.  We were able to be anybody we wanted to be, do anything we wanted to do, and be invincible.  Nothing could stop us.  We were not going to let anyone stop us.

As life takes over and we go through life and become more seasoned, all of our imaginations that we keep for so long start to become dormant.  In a way fire dimmed.

I am here to challenge you who are weary while doing good, that Faith is alive and active.  It is an action.  You know as though it is, you know as though it has manifested and you are in it to win it.

Let the kid from within come out once again with the knowledge, understanding, and discernment to guide you to walk you toward the path of Faith and not by sight.  Even if you don’t comprehend it, bring your faith into existence in your heart. Know that you know that you know that you will be blessed in the land of the living. Remember, Faith without works is dead.  James 2:17

Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.  Hebrews 11:1

Fight for faith so that it would be the center point of your being.  Know that you truly can move the mountain (life throwing you a curve ball) if you just have faith of a mustard seed.

Your faith today can activate God to move on your behalf because he knows our hearts, he knows our needs and he knows our path. God will go ahead of you to remove all your mountains if you only activate your Faith and believe.

Faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God.  Romans 10:17

There is no time to waste. Remember, God, is not mocked.  What he has put in motion, it will fulfill the course that God has started in your life to complete his mission through you.

Ask God to help you to understand his word so that the evidence of what a Faith walk is supposed to look like, so that when you do back out from what you know to be true, your faith along with the word of God will ignite and push you to not lose heart and the momentum that you will need to ignite the power from within you.

Faith without work is dead.  James 2:26

How do you do faith? You can’t see, but you can believe that it is there and it is waiting on you to activate it through the word of God.  Let your inner kid come out again so that you can see through clean and innocent eyes. The word of God tells us, unless you become like a child, you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Matthew 18

Chose this day, to be strengthened by the guidance and the power of the Holy Spirit.  Let the Holy Spirit empower you like never before.  Let the Holy Spirit shower you with the tools of Heaven and the means of Heaven to lead and guide you even when you cannot understand it.  Know that God is with you and he wants you to win the race of Faith.  Your determination will set the course for your household to move and to live by Faith and set the course for the world to know how to live and move by Faith.  You are the beautiful handy work of God that will bring forth the fruit which will re-boot those who need to know and to see Faith in full action.  Remember, you were brought with a price and it is worth going through the process of Faith.

Verses to Meditate on

Psalms 62:5             My soul waits silently for God alone for my expectation is from Him.

Amos 9:13-15      “Yes indeed, it won’t be long now.” God’s Decree.

                             “Things are going to happen so fast your head will swim one thing fast on the heels of the other. You won’t be able to keep up. Everything will be happening at once—   and everywhere you look blessings! Blessings like wine pouring off the mountains and hills. I’ll make everything  right again for my people Israel:

             “They’ll rebuild their ruined cities.
             They’ll plant vineyards and drink good wine.
             They’ll work their gardens and eat fresh vegetables.
             And I’ll plant them, plant them on their own land.
             They’ll never again be uprooted from the land I’ve given them.”

             God, your God, says so.

Obadiah 17         But upon mount Zion shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness and the house of Jacob shall possess their possessions.

2 Kings 8:6         And when the king asked the woman, she told him. So the king appointed unto her a certain officer, saying restores all that was hers, and; all the fruits of the field since the day that she left the land even until now,


7 thoughts on “Prescription for Faith”

  1. Marquitta S. Dorsey

    Thank you so much for the invitation. I’m grateful for this moment to meditate on God’s faithfulness.

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