Let no one take your crown!

What do you think about when the word of God says, let no one take your crown?

When I read the passage in Revelation 3:11, the first thing that came to mind was, do not cast your pearls before swine.

If the word of God says so, that means there is a reason, there is truth and enlightenment.

So, I am asking this from all of us!!!

Who are we?

What is our authority?

What is our power?

How come we don’t realize it?

How come we are not walking in it?

How come we don’t use it?

We all genuinely want answers to our many questions. God desires that we be inquisitive in order to solve problems that will help both ourselves and other people. Some people ask, “How could you not know this by now?” If you have been walking with the Lord, you should have heard from God at some point and know exactly who you are and what your authority is on earth. I tell such people to think twice if they think they have arrived.

Certain churchgoers are extremely arrogant, egotistical, self-righteous, and self-made, using their wealth to gain power. That indicates that they should reconsider if they think they already have everything under control and are following their calling. Each of us is going through a different stage of development, hardship, and prosperity.

You do not give up your crown so easily because we need to know who we are and whose we are. This makes me think of Esau and Jacob. Esau sold Jacob his birthright because he desired porridge. We might find ourselves in great danger when we act desperately for even the little things.

When I consider what the verse says about not letting someone take your throne, this is what I perceive. A crown denotes an object’s highest point. It also denotes triumph, tradition, legality, and authority. It also refers to people who endure hardships. Revelation 2:10 Do not be afraid of what you are about to suffer. I tell you; the devil will put some of you in prison to test you, and you will suffer persecution for ten days. Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you life as your victor’s crown and James 1:12 tells us, Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him. These biblical references serve as a source of encouragement, supporting and guiding us in our journey of faith.

You should avoid being among the following to prevent someone from stealing your crown:

Not giving in

Not giving your body to anyone

Not giving into pear pressure

Not giving in to what people say

Thinking you can get away by doing things that are wrong

Not letting life make your heart tainted

Bowing down to your emotions and feelings towards wrong things

Being with someone that doesn’t value you

Stopping your calling to please someone else

Not talking about people

Not wanting what someone else has

Carrying bitterness

Fearing about the unknown

Not being able to forgive

Making false accusations

Allow me to pose a query to you. Why would you wish to so casually cede your crown to anything that goes against God’s word? Yes, we are physical beings and we were purchased with a price, and since God adopted us into his family via the blood of his son, we hold the position of royal priesthood. Why do we act needlessly and carelessly and believe it is acceptable to forget these things? Every one of us is guilty of them. We are all wrestling with different aspects of our lives, and no one has arrived. As my bishop used to say when I was attending Faithful Central Bible Church.  Bishop Ulmer would say, we need to be so sick and tired of being sick and tired. He would also use this phrase, it’s tight, but it’s right. The Holy Spirit must put us through difficult times to remind us of our crown.

The scripture warns us against returning to our past sins. Each day, we must be vigilant in protecting the temple of our bodies, where the Holy Spirit resides. We should carefully consider how much information we share, how much of our peace we give away, how much we reveal our innermost thoughts, and how much we allow unwanted influences into our lives. We must remember that our bodies are sacred, and we should strive to keep them pure and holy.

According to the Bible, a man finds a good thing in a wife. The statement that follows states that the woman is her husband’s crown. This makes me think of the Victorian era, when a small child learns proper body alignment and grace through self-portrayal. Usually, they stacked books on top of the young child and watched to see if she could walk without dropping them. It allowed her to walk with dignity and assurance that nothing less than that is a true reflection of who she is and that she is priceless.

That image also illustrates the proper way for a member of the royal priesthood to walk while wearing their crown. The crown is meant to symbolize compassion and beauty. We reflect our Lord Jesus, which makes us the beauty of our crown. We are answerable to him, and he is above us. The value of our crown also comes from the knowledge that our heavenly Father knows who we truly are, trusts us, and loves us so much that he exalts us.

Proverbs 12:4. A wife of noble character is her husband’s crown, but a disgraceful wife is like decay in his bones. How do you interpret that? Obviously not an actual crown. The crown stands for dignity, self-control, kindness, gentleness, humility, meekness, love, and joy. The fruits of the Spirit are all these. That is the crown we must envision ourselves wearing. As such, we must act with diligence, awareness, and wisdom in every situation we encounter since, when we leave our houses, we occupy the role of royalty. Our Father bestowed upon us our crown, which requires daily or even weekly maintenance. Our crowns are not something to take for granted or treat like insignificant antiques.

Why would God tell us about Revelation 3:11 tells us, I am coming soon. Hold on to what you have, so that no one will take your crown.  It is to always remain steadfast in your faith. Even though we haven’t seen Jesus, we are fortunate to believe in him, family. Being blindly faith-filled means standing firmly on faith since it is what will elevate our position as the crown over our life and ultimately over our heads.

Our faith, together with our gratitude and return of all he has given us to demonstrate that he deserves everything, is what sets us apart before God. Matthew 6:21 informs us that where your treasure is, so also will be your heart.