What is the representation of the 10 virgins and the lamp stands?

It is well knowledge that Jesus spoke in parables throughout the whole Bible. He went on to say, “Those with eyes, let them see,” and “those with ears, let them hear.” In other words, although life is fulfilling, it is also a challenging path that only God’s children can endure if they never give up.

To be honest, there are moments when I feel like asking God to please just grant me one day where everything goes as planned since we have many experiences that take us in many different directions. We know that the Bible is accurate and has two sides: it can reveal facts about the world around us and, most importantly, it can reveal who we really are. Allow me to clarify what I’m attempting to express. Everybody has baggage from the past and issues with their parents, surroundings, and circumstances. It might be challenging to accept and make the necessary changes when presented with our reflections. Certain aspects of ourselves are simple to manage and alter, however, let me assure you that there are times when life becomes more difficult, and we must truly rely on our Heavenly Father.If we don’t trust what the Bible says, it will appear that we were merely acting out a church role all along. This applies to everyone. Everybody has something they need to get better at and take charge of. Is it even what we call authority? Are we aware of the divine power that he has insulted within us? I still have difficulties with it after all these years. Why, during both good and bad, do we fail to give thanks to God? How come we can’t just worship? Why are we unable to just refuse to be bothered by anything that is of this world?

The Bible claims that God is our defense, so why must we defend and explain ourselves? He is everything to us. With his gaze, he will lead us and straighten our uneven areas. Here’s another: why is everything under scrutiny? Why does everything matter so much? Why is it so difficult for us to let go of everything and go on? It only highlights the areas where we genuinely need to improve, not that we are not devout followers of God. Some people can understand God’s plan and use it to just focus on changing themselves. If God is our defense, why must we still defend and explain who we are? The Bible says that he is. HE is all that matters to us. He’ll use his eyes to lead us and straighten out our uneven areas. Another one is this: why is everything questioned? What makes everything so important? Why is it so difficult to move on and let everything go? This does not imply that we are not devout Christians; rather, it highlights the areas we need to improve. Some people can understand God’s formula and use it to just focus on changing themselves so they can advance and achieve their breakthroughs. For some, however, it is challenging, and understandably so given psychological trauma. Once more, there are neither justifications nor a means by which we can choose to replace our poor habits with better ones or, for want of a better phrase, our shortcomings. The Bible says that because Christ is our strength, we can accomplish anything.

Habakkuk 2 And the Lord answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.

 For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.

Be tenacious, much like the biblical woman who complained to the uncivilized king and persisted until she received what she was entitled to. Be tenacious and visualize your request as though it has already arrived, just like our Amazon packages do.

People of God, life is like a vapor; it comes and goes. Together, let’s work hard and persevere in standing for what is ideal, pure, and true. In our world, it makes more sense to aim for what is rightfully ours rather than what someone else possesses. Let’s face it, we are all guilty of that. The question is not what they have; it is God’s whereabouts for ours. t’s not that God doesn’t want to give it to us; it’s just that we need to work on changing our previous lifestyle, our hearts’ desires, and prioritizing others before ourselves. We want LOVE and GRACE to overflow in everything thru us for everything God has made. Even though it may be difficult, let’s work together as a family to keep reaping the rewards of our labors for our heavenly Father. Are we not, after all, here to support him and his goals for his time here on Earth? As the Royal Priesthood and the emissaries of Heaven, let us not stray from our duties and fulfill the reason we were employed. If we concentrate on God and his righteousness, we will also reap the benefits. As an incentive, or raise, if you will, faith is the key to unlocking all of Abraham’s blessings and God’s favor, which creates a way where none otherwise exists in our life.  As the word of God commands, we must and shall subdue the land. We are to multiply, thrive, and lend money. We are first and not last; we are the head, not the tail. Greatness is what we were supposed to be, not less. Family, in the body of Christ, we must look out for one another and ourselves.

Now that I’ve expressed what was truly on my mind, let’s go on to the actual purpose of this prophecy given to me. I’ve been looking for an answer to this for a long time. I genuinely wanted to know what this fable was trying to tell us all, so don’t ask me why I could not grasp its meaning.

The lamp stands and the ten virgins. Let’s get started.

When you first read this text in the Bible, I’m sure you scholars and pious believers understood what it meant. Some of us, even having walked with the Lord for a long time, find that the scriptures speak to us when we read them, but it doesn’t become clear to us until after we are going through a certain situation, and we happen to come across the same section or scripture.

I wanted to share this with all of you because it was my moment. I am aware that there are Pharisees and Sadducees in the body of Christ who will tell you, “Oh, you call yourself a believer, but you don’t know the word,” or they will make you feel inferior and discourage you from asking any questions that may have been bothering you or for which you needed wise counsel. Welllllllllllllllll, I am your buffer, Family. Even though nobody likes to acknowledge it, this applies to all of us. This refers to us all, even if nobody wants to acknowledge it.  The story of the ten virgins and the lamp stand serves as a symbolic allegory to teach us about the body of Christ as a whole. The passage indicates that the five virgins who brought extra oil were ready for Christ, the bridegroom. Not prepared were the other five virgins who hadn’t brought extra oil. The story continues by saying that the five virgins who did not bring extra oil asked if they may borrow some of them. The other five replied, “We have brought enough for ourselves,” adding that they could go to a nearby town and pick some up if they wanted more oil. Now, this is where I know that some of you share my tendency to become comodulated. How can they go fetch the extra oil and get back to the groom in time, I wondered. This is what I was shown, though. The body of Christ in the Church is symbolized by the ten virgins. Are we keeping up with this yet? Well,
Alright, let’s dissect it.

The Hebrew interpretation of the number 10 is profound. It signifies not just a numerical value, but a spiritual concept of seeing, perceiving, discerning, and most importantly, divine providence. It is a gateway to spiritual development, a key to unlocking deeper understanding and connection with the divine.

Alright, so the oil symbolizes our constant growth in God’s word. That is how we walk and go toward the goal incessantly. The oil symbolizes our confidence in God’s ability to fulfill his promises. Our way is not by sight, but by trust. The five virgins with the additional oil are God’s children, who remain immovable despite external circumstances because their foundation is rooted in God’s word. They’ll resemble the tree that were still in front of quiet waters. They are not just hearers but also doers of the word. Both in and out of season, they are prepared.

Alright, so we continuously increase in God’s word like the oil. That is the way we keep walking and progressing toward the goal. The oil symbolizes our trust in God’s ability to fulfill his promises. We don’t walk by sight; we walk by Faith, which means trusting God’s word. Because they are anchored on God’s word, the five virgins with the extra oil represent God’s children who will stand firmely to the end and not be moved. The tree placed before quiet waters is what they will resemble. They don’t just hear the word; they also act on it. They are ready in season and out of season.

God, you crack me up. He brought to my remembrance the tale of the grasshopper and the ant. I hope everyone keeps it in mind. It is a timeless favorite of mine due to the life lesson it contains. The ant constantly gathered food day and night for the approaching winter. They obeyed their calling with consistency and attention, walking in compliance. Thus, the grasshopper led a carefree, independent, and inconsistent life. When the grasshopper asked the ant what it was doing, it said, “I’m gathering food before winter arrives,” the ant advised the grasshopper to follow suit.

The grasshopper chuckled and declared that winter was nowhere to be seen. We have time to get together and prepare. The believers who have one foot in the world and one foot in the Bible are symbolized by the grasshopper. They believe that they can receive God’s blessings and be in His presence without doing much effort on their part, just like the grasshopper who was overconfident about surviving winter without preparing.

The grasshopper was unprepared for the arrival of the winter season—that is, the COMING of Christ—because winter arrived as quickly as he was chatting to the ant. The ant told the grasshopper that they just had enough food for their colony and didn’t have any to give away when he requested if he may carry some in a barrow. The story’s lesson is entirely symbolic of the ten virgins. I’m grateful you revealed this to me on October 16, 2023, Lord.

The oil in the wise virgins’ lamp stand symbolizes their purity, virtuous lives, obedience, and the presence of the Holy Spirit. Once more, the parable’s oil discusses our FAITH. Our oil for anticipating the arrival of our Lord and Savior is our FAITH. Recall that the oil signifies God’s anointing over and through every one of you, dear children of God. The oil symbolizes God’s presence within, above, and all around us. In our walk with the Lord, we are to walk diligently. The Holy Spirit’s scent is also present in the oil. How lovely it is that the fragrance of the Holy Spirit is divine!

I still recall the moment I detected the Holy Spirit’s scent. It was a scent I had never experienced in my life. I was glued to my desk at work because I was so happy. It was so lovely and serene. We must be firmly anchored in God’s WORD to be grounded, rooted, and planted. Take the necessary action. Make the necessary changes. Create an attitude of praise, worship, and gratitude. Please remember that we must always walk in the spirit and follow the Holy Spirit’s guidance.

Oh Church, please hear my fervent prayer for me, my family, and you. I want everyone to act with intention in everything they say, do, and accomplish. Devon Franklin discussed exercising control over our identity, voice, beliefs, and authority. Our faith is written and completed by God. God has given us the power to tie and loosen just as He has authority in heaven and on earth. By praying and expressing gratitude, we can craft our narrative. I have a nugget for you now. Did you know that worrying, feeling anxious, hurrying through tasks, being depressed, acting improperly toward others, breaking the law, and showing disrespect for your parents might shorten your lives by years? Because of all the behaviors above, we are essentially shortening our lives. I also know some of you do since I suffer in it. Being sincere with God and ourselves is perfectly acceptable. Only God can set us free. With the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, we shall accomplish all of our goals and promises here on Earth, just as they are in heaven.

It is now time to put in a lot of effort to stay the course, with the help of the Holy Spirit, who will help us move forward more purposefully and even harder. Before we are all taken to be with our Father in heaven, we must embrace every blessing and live in God’s favor daily.

In Isaiah 55:1-7 tells us,

“Ho! Everyone who thirsts,
Come to the waters;
And you who have no money,
Come, buy and eat.
Yes, come, buy wine and milk
Without money and without price.
Why do you spend money for what is not bread,
And your wages for what does not satisfy?
Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good,
And let your soul delight itself in abundance.
Incline your ear, and come to Me.
Hear, and your soul shall live;
And I will make an everlasting covenant with you—
The sure mercies of David.
Indeed I have given him as a witness to the people,
A leader and commander for the people.
Surely you shall call a nation you do not know,
And nations who do not know you shall run to you,
Because of the Lord your God,
And the Holy One of Israel;
For He has glorified you.”

Seek the Lord while He may be found,
Call upon Him while He is near.
Let the wicked forsake his way,
And the unrighteous man his thoughts;
Let him return to the Lord,
And He will have mercy on him;
And to our God,
For He will abundantly pardon.