To my fam, guests, and dear visitors.
Thank you all for opening your hearts and blessing me by visiting my blog. I am writing this email to let all of you know that my season is coming to an end regarding my blog.  However, I am deeply grateful for the support and encouragement you have shown me. Many of you have shared how my blog has touched your lives, and for that, I am truly thankful. It has been an honor for God to use me in this way through my blog. 
I would like to bless all of you that continue to fight. You must win the race. You are the answer to many different problems that this world so desperately needs. You are beautifully and wonderfully made.  You are God’s glory and his righteousness. He has plans for you to prosper as your soul prospers.  He has a future and a hope for you. I pray for the blessing of Deuteronomy 28 over all of you.  Know that no weapons formed against you shall not prosper.  You are the head and not the tail.  Be of good cheer because God has overcome the world.  Be real and true to your convictions.  Don’t be afraid to go through trials because it will give you your testimony.  Don’t put yourself on a pedestal as if you are too holy to be no earthly good.  Don’t waste time speaking about anyone, but speak of God’s Love and blessings over each other.  Yes, we will make mistakes, but rise above with the Lord’s help and start over, doing better today than you did yesterday.  I pray that you will have the convictions of the holy spirit to guide you and keep you on the straight path.  We all have gifts, and we all hear from God. Don’t be afraid to do what God tells you to do.  When you get a revelation, sometimes it will only be for you and you alone; however, sometimes it will be for others, so when you minister, you can share that wisdom that God revealed to you.  I know it is hard to do good when there is so much hardship, evil, people who are against you and everything else that is unfair.  I dare all of us to purposefully be good and do good.  Don’t be a doormat or try to be so perfect that it will come off as you are trying too hard or being fake, but ask the holy spirit to teach you and guide you in what you need to do to meet the day’s needs and demands.  We are all in the race of faith.  I urge you to let’s not be talkers or just hearers but doers.  I speak with so many people in the faith and I agree with some of them that the church has become a business and there is favoritism and partiality, however, why are we always looking at the church and the people who in positions that we forget that our eyes should be on our Father only.  Our expectations come from the Lord and him only.  If God leads you to do something, don’t let anyone stop you.  Now with that being said, don’t jump the gun and just do it without asking God to lead you to do it at the right time.  Now, there are times when you need to act fast, and even in that, God gives you wisdom to guide you in what you need to do to, bringing clarity in a situation and circumstance. I have seen in church that I was personally led to do an act of kindness to be the extension of God, and someone stopped me or gestured for me not to do it.  I was so mad at myself for listening to a person vs. to the holy spirit.  That is called hinderance.  Yes, the people of God sometimes stop others when God has told them to do something, so what do you do?  You keep doing what God called you to do and God will take care of those who oppose you.  It is our Father’s business to fight for us.  He is in control.  He can use any situation and circumstance to teach us, help us to change, and elevate us to glory.  He wants us to have the best and nothing less.  Let’s learn and change and do.  At the end of the day, it is not about us, it is about our Father in heaven.  I pray for all of us not to forget why he sent us to come into time to live on this Earth.  We need to remind ourselves every day that, Father, what is your agenda for today?  We are to be his executive assistant.  We are to hear our days itinerary and go forth and execute them.  Oh God help us truly to see every day in the spirit so that we will continually do your will here on Earth. There is so much I want to say about our Father, but I just wanted to leave this for all of you. For those who know me, you so welcome to reach out to me for any prayer.  I there is anything that I can do for you through pray I am there.  If there is a need for materialistic things I will get you the information.  If there are things that I cannot provide, I will make sure that I will do my part to find the resource that you will need.  When my blog goes down, there will be no way of communicating with me except for those who know me and are able to reach out to me.  For those who were told by a friend to visit my blog or other resources, I just want you to know even though you cannot reach me, you are never alone.  Your Father in heaven is with you always and he supplies all your needs according to his reaches and glory.  Ask the Lord to provide the needs that you have and resources that you need.  Ask the Lord to bring forth people of God who have been rooted and grounded in the word of God so that can stand with you and be accountable to you.  Love yourselves by the guidance of the Holy Spirit. I am also learning how to love me.  Yes, it is hard, but with God All Things are possible.  Jesus died for all our sins so that we will be set free.  Who are we to keep going back to our vomit and taking it back.  God has set us free.  Let’s live in our freedom; let’s be the free people of God that we are supposed to be.  We always thank God for all things, and we live to thank him for his mercy and grace throughout our lives.  Be of good cheer for Jesus has overcome the world.  I pray that all of you will spend time in the secret place of the most high God so you will spend time with your Father because it is imperative that you get your day started by spending quality time with him. In my case, I made a vow long ago to get up at 4 am to spend time with my Father in heaven.  We must be deliberate in our walk with the Lord more than ever.  Don’t be so nonchalant, for he is not mocked.  He is waiting for you to invite him into your life and day to day walk.  He is the one who created you, and he wants your undivided attention because he is a jealous God. He created us to have a relationship with us. Don’t you want relationships that will be your lives for many years to come?  Go back to your first Love that you may have life and have it more abundantly.  I urge you not to be so quick to speak but to be more deliberate in listening.  Yes, I know it will be challenging at times, but do your best to do the opposite of what you used to do and what you were programmed to do.  Do your best to be the problem solver and not the problem maker.  Don’t just complain and say that someone should do this or that; if you are complaining, why don’t you do what needs to be done for the glory of God?  Don’t talk about it, be about it.  Don’t be moved by your feeling and emotions because it will not work out.  Be led by the Holy Spirit to do as he commands so he gets glory and not you.  He will reward you . Everything in life is easy; however, everything in life is challenging.  Let us step up our game so we can go from glory to glory.  We are not perfect, but we must aim to become excellent. Do not forget that those who are with you are many.  Let us jump over mountains and run through troops.  Be a person that stands up for what is right and just.  Don’t worry about rocking the boat.  If God has placed you where you need to be, he will use you to make a difference and stand up for those who have no voice.  May Gods favor and the blessing of Abraham follow you all the days of your lives. I truly thank you for visiting my blog, and I pray for our Lord’s face to shine upon you and give you peace.  Remember, Jesus did everything with Love.  We are love letters to all people and nations.  Yes, it is tough sometimes, but with God, all things are possible.  In Jesus’ name.  

I will be posting my last 5 blogs within the week.
God bless all of you.