The narrow road and the broad road?

What does it mean? Everyone may have heard the tale of the broad and narrow roads before, but they may not have given it much thought or considered its deeper symbolic meaning. It’s explained simply enough for even a youngster to understand.

We are born into sin in this life. As we have ascended from Heaven, we are truly put into time. Therefore, our destiny has already been fulfilled in heaven. The two roads stand for the sinful and righteous. We must decide which life would be most beneficial to us personally.

Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. Matthew 7:13–14.

Now, let’s start by discussing how life can be essentially divided into two paths: the narrow route of righteousness and the broad road.

As Luke 13:23–25 warns, not choosing the narrow path of righteousness can lead to a dire consequence. The passage states that many will try to enter and will not be able to. Once the door is closed, the opportunity is lost, and one will stand outside knocking and pleading, Sir, open the door for us.

Jesus is the road, and the narrow path stands for God’s love for us. Purity of being and achievement of our goals. Our genuine nature and virtuous existence that will lead us in the direction of God’s desire for us. Yes, leading a Christian life is not easy; it involves many trials. These trials include doing our schoolwork, cleaning our home, which serves as God’s temple, falling and rising from them, making decisions that will either strengthen or weaken us, and determining our identity by enduring severe hardships that will serve as witnesses for someone other than ourselves.

Family, you understand that our spiritual journey is not a solitary one. The experiences and lessons we gain are meant to be shared, not hoarded. It’s a crucial part of our growth and a way to strengthen our community.  Let’s remember, we are called to be generous, not greedy, and to be selfless, not selfish.

This path is the inheritance God promised to give us eventually (i.e., when we are here because a thousand years are equal to one day in God’s time). If we continue this path, we will eventually receive our recompense from God.  Place your trust in God by faith, endurance, patience, belief in God’s word, grace, mercy, compassion, and most importantly, love for God’s creation. As members of the Royal Priesthood, this is our road. How are we going to pass up this privilege and these obligations?

Knowing that God chose you to be his obedient and virtuous servants is well worth the effort and trials you endure.

The devil and what manifests on Earth because he disobeys God, the broad road symbolizes them. It keeps God away from those who are to follow to follow the Lord. Due to its ease of use and lack of effort, this is the path that many people wish to choose. You picked your path, not someone else’s, thus nobody can govern you. You come and go at will, yet you continue to abuse, mistreat, misuse, bully, kill, destroy, lie, cheat, humiliate, distract, control, take drugs, have sex, and make easy money.

For many, this route is a stroll devoid of obligations and commitments. It is an extremely hazardous uprising against the all-powerful God who made humankind. Nevertheless, God is and always will be love. But the moment is drawing near when two books will open, one depicting eternity with God and the other depicting eternity in torment. According to God’s word, many are called, but only a select few are chosen. How rewarding is it to achieve your goals without ever giving thanks to God, who enabled you to do the seemingly impossible? Trials are beneficial because you will always have your heavenly Father as a source of strength and support, a constant reminder of your origins and the one who makes it possible for you to have what you need in this world of ours.

Family, no man may approach the Father except through Jesus Christ. He is the path, the truth, and life.   Jesus is the secret to our life. He is our source of inner work and tranquility. He is the word made flesh, the key that opens the way to our eternal salvation and triumph.